Microbial divided into five categories: fungi, protozoa, algae, viruses and bacteria.
Microorganism can breath, multiply and move.
Living in a variety of soils and decaying material. E.g:
Most live in the river, sea, ponds and moist soil. Eats bacteria and algae. E.g:
The ocean and pools and other wet and sunny place are their place to live. Get to carry out photosynthesis like plants.
Varied shapes, the smallest. Need to rely on other organisms to survive, such as protozoa, bacteria, animals and humans. E.g:
Influenza virus
The largest number in any place exists. E.g:
E. coli
Things that will affect microbial's growth conditions
1. Water
2. Air
3. Nutrients
4. The appropriate temperature
5. The proper acidity
Microbial advantages and disadvantages
Food Production: Bacillus can be used to make a delicious and healthy yogurt; yeast can be used to make bread.
Decomposition of organic materials: Waste water must be purified before getting discharged into the river, sea and lake. The microorganisms such as protozoa and bacteria in waste water is added to purify waste water; bacteria and fungi can break down the bodies of animal and plants that have withered, so as to provide organic fertilizer for the soil, so the soil will be more fertile.
Protection of human health: Bacteria and fungi can be made of antibiotics for the treatment of bacteria should have also made the disease; the vaccine is made from viruses and bacteria, through vaccination, the body's ability to resist the virus because It should be sent disease.
Cause various diseases: Bacteria and viruses can cause a variety of diseases such as chicken pox, foot and mouth disease, pharyngitis, and measles.
Cause tooth decay: the acidic substance adheres to teeth produced by bacteria will damage our teeth.
Food spoilage: if the food is not stored properly, can easily grow bacteria and fungi.
Cause food poisoning: If you accidentally eat fungal or bacterial contamination food.
Challenge yourself
1. What is the smallest microorganism?
2. What will affect the growth of microorganisms?
3. List out three bacteria types.
4. Name two characteristics of the virus.
5. What are the benefits of yeast?
6. Write three benefits of microorganisms.
7. Write three disadvantages of microorganisms.